Good vs. Bad Aliens:
Response to Jim Swartzmiller's Editorial
-- by Chris Alexander, Founder
Extraterrestrial Anti-Defamation Organization (ETADO)
For the sake of discussion the following is a hypothesis, although my
intuition is that it is true. There are indeed different groups of ETs, with
conflicting purposes, methods and degrees of empathy toward us. But our
perception of them as "good" or "evil", warm or contemptuous, is a distortion
generated by our own cultural expectations and intense emotional response.
What we interpret as violent conflict among their camps is actually a much
more subtle and co-creative relationship, a complex tapestry of agreements to
disagree. We are as blind to the nuance of this relationship as we are to the
colors in the grays' skin.
To be sure, those abductees who feel violated and traumatized have cause.
Some ETs are "unfeeling". I believe that is because they vary in their
ability to appreciate our pain. Relative to their normal emotional and
intellectual context, we are hysterical, infantile, half-wild. It is likely
that their sense of individual bodies and psyches is very different from
ours. In other words, our sense of personal violation and powerlessness may
be as alien to some of them as their callousness is to some of us. None of
this makes them evil monsters. If my intuition is reliable the remedy for
their brutality is understanding, and the way to achieve it is to communicate
through the "nice" ETs. They are mediators, just as on our side abductees are
mediators for humanity.